This tutorial gives a step-by-step guide on how to calculate the
Biodiversity Intactness Index (BII) using the PREDICTS database. We’ll
go through where to find the PREDICTS data, how we go about analysing
this data and finally how to project and calculate BII, using
. We’ll be using just a subset of the data and a very
simple model to start with.
You can explore the results from our most up-to-date global models on the Natural History Museum’s Biodiversity Trends Explorer. This online tool allows users to explore historical and potential future trends in BII for different geographic units (e.g., countries, regions, global).
The PREDICTS team have collated a large database of biodiversity data from over 29,000 sites worldwide. These data have been provided by authors of over 700 separate surveys, each of which sampled biodiversity at multiple sites facing different land-use and related pressures. Although the different surveys have used a very wide range of different techniques, and focused on a wide array of different plant, fungal, invertebrate or vertebrate taxa (the database now holds data from over 50,000 species), the data from different sites within a survey are comparable, having been collected in the same way. Each site’s land use and land-use intensity has been classified into a consistent set of categories, based on information in the paper or from the authors, and some other human pressures (e.g., human population density) are estimated for each site from global rasters. Details of how the database was put together – including definitions of our land-use and use-intensity classes – can be found in this paper; the first released version of the database is available from the Natural History Museum’s data portal, and is described in this paper.
Because the database holds the original biodiversity data, statistical analysis can model a wide range of response variables (as explained in this paper), including site-level measures of diversity (such as within-sample species richness, rarefaction-based richness or overall organismal abundance), among-site differences in community composition, or the occurrence and/or population size of each species. Combining our data with other species-level information permits modelling of functional and phylogenetic diversity or of a community-weighted measure of geographic range size. This walkthrough document focuses on modelling two response variables: total site-level abundance, and compositional similarity between sites.
Because the surveys in the database arise from such very different methodologies, we fit mixed-effects models with survey-level random effects, allowing us to focus on how human pressures affect the response variable while acknowledging the among-survey heterogeneity. We assume that biotic differences among matched sites with different land uses are caused by the land-use difference, a form of space-for-time substitution. Some of our models also assume that the biota at sites with minimally-used primary vegetation (and minimal levels of other pressures) approximates their pristine biota. These assumptions would not be needed if representative long-term temporal data were available.
Models can be fitted to the whole global data or to regions of particular interest (such as tropical and subtropical forest biomes). The models can be combined with detailed spatiotemporal data on the pressures to map the projected current state of the response variable, estimate how it has changed in the past, or project its future under alternative scenarios.BII became more prominent with its adoption in the 2015 revision of the Planetary Boundaries framework as an interim measure of biosphere integrity. The framework proposed that reduction of average BII to below 90% across a large region such as a biome would risk large-scale disruption of the flow of ecosystem services and jeopardise sustainable development, though the paper acknowledged that the precise placement of the ‘safe limit’ for BII was very uncertain.
In the absence of sufficient collated biodiversity data, BII was initially estimated using carefully-structured expert opinion. The PREDICTS team first estimated BII based on primary biodiversity data in 2016, by combining two statistical models – one of site-level organismal abundance, and one of compositional similarity to a site still having primary vegetation. The latter model was needed to account for the fact that models of overall organismal abundance do not consider turnover in species composition. Although we gave several reasons why our estimates of BII were likely to be overoptimistic, our 2016 estimates nonetheless placed the world, nearly all biomes and nearly all biodiversity hotspots below the proposed ‘safe limit’ for BII.
We have continued to refine the modelling framework to improve our estimates of BII. The most important improvements since the 2016 paper have been:
The estimates of BII that result from the improved framework tend to be markedly lower than those we obtained in 2016. One issue that remains to be addressed is that the land-use rasters we have been using to make spatial projections do not accurately differentiate planted from natural forest, meaning our estimates are still likely to be too high in regions with extensive planted forest. Work to address this shortcoming is underway.
More recently, we have begun to use a more conservative measure of compositional similarity. Our analyses previously used the asymmetric Jaccard Index, which considers only species identity, but not structure; for example, shifts in dominance. To account for changes in both species identity and community structure due to human activities, we have now implemented the balanced Bray-Curtis index. You’ll find more information about the differences between the indices below.
BII, being an indicator of the average state of local ecological communities, complements indicators based on species’ global conservation status (such as the Sampled Red List Index), or on population trends (such as the Living Planet Index). These different facets of biodiversity are all important, and can be combined to provide a roadmap towards restoring global biodiversity.library(dplyr) # for easy data manipulation
library(tidyr) # ditto
library(tibble) # ditto
library(lme4) # for mixed effects models
library(car) # for logit transformation with adjustment
library(betapart) # for calculating balanced bray-curtis dissimilarity
library(terra) # for working with raster data
library(geosphere) # calculating geographic distance between sites
library(purrr) # running loops
library(furrr) # running loops in parallel
library(viridis) # figure colours for colour blindness
You can download the PREDICTS data from the
History Museum data portal. If you’re working in R
, the
database in .rds
format will be much quicker to load in
than the .csv
Once you’ve downloaded the database, read it in. We are going to filter the data for just the Americas, to make the data manipulation and modelling a bit quicker. You can calculate BII for any region of the world for which there are data, although we tend to do our BII modelling on a global scale or at least across multiple biomes.
# read in the data
diversity <- readRDS("database.rds") |>
# now let's filter out just the data for the Americas
dplyr::filter(UN_region == "Americas")
## Rows: 825,682
## Columns: 67
## $ Source_ID <fct> AD1_2005__Shuler, AD1_2005__Sh…
## $ Reference <fct> Shuler et al. 2005, Shuler et …
## $ Study_number <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, …
## $ Study_name <fct> "Shuler2005_flowervisitation",…
## $ SS <fct> AD1_2005__Shuler 1, AD1_2005__…
## $ Diversity_metric <fct> effort-corrected abundance, ef…
## $ Diversity_metric_unit <fct> effort-corrected individuals, …
## $ Diversity_metric_type <fct> Abundance, Abundance, Abundanc…
## $ Diversity_metric_is_effort_sensitive <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FA…
## $ Diversity_metric_is_suitable_for_Chao <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FA…
## $ Sampling_method <fct> systematic searching, systemat…
## $ Sampling_effort_unit <fct> day, day, day, day, day, day, …
## $ Study_common_taxon <fct> Hymenoptera, Hymenoptera, Hyme…
## $ Rank_of_study_common_taxon <fct> Order, Order, Order, Order, Or…
## $ Site_number <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, …
## $ Site_name <fct> "Ayrshire Farms", "Ayrshire Fa…
## $ Block <fct> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""…
## $ SSS <fct> AD1_2005__Shuler 1 1, AD1_2005…
## $ SSB <fct> "AD1_2005__Shuler 1 ", "AD1_20…
## $ SSBS <fct> "AD1_2005__Shuler 1 1", "AD1_…
## $ Sample_start_earliest <date> 2003-07-07, 2003-07-07, 2003-…
## $ Sample_end_latest <date> 2003-08-05, 2003-08-05, 2003-…
## $ Sample_midpoint <date> 2003-07-21, 2003-07-21, 2003-…
## $ Sample_date_resolution <fct> day, day, day, day, day, day, …
## $ Max_linear_extent_metres <dbl> 2844.9464, 2844.9464, 2844.946…
## $ Habitat_patch_area_square_metres <dbl> 4046856.4, 4046856.4, 4046856.…
## $ Sampling_effort <dbl> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, …
## $ Rescaled_sampling_effort <dbl> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, …
## $ Habitat_as_described <fct> "Squash or pumpkin farm", "Squ…
## $ Predominant_land_use <fct> Cropland, Cropland, Cropland, …
## $ Source_for_predominant_land_use <fct> Direct from publication / auth…
## $ Use_intensity <fct> Light use, Light use, Light us…
## $ Km_to_nearest_edge_of_habitat <dbl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA…
## $ Years_since_fragmentation_or_conversion <dbl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA…
## $ Transect_details <fct> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""…
## $ Coordinates_method <fct> Direct from publication / auth…
## $ Longitude <dbl> -77.86848, -77.86848, -77.8684…
## $ Latitude <dbl> 38.95733, 38.95733, 38.95733, …
## $ Country_distance_metres <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, …
## $ Country <fct> "United States", "United State…
## $ UN_subregion <fct> North America, North America, …
## $ UN_region <fct> Americas, Americas, Americas, …
## $ Ecoregion_distance_metres <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, …
## $ Ecoregion <fct> "Piedmont", "Piedmont", "Piedm…
## $ Biome <fct> "Temperate Broadleaf & Mixed F…
## $ Realm <fct> Nearctic, Nearctic, Nearctic, …
## $ Hotspot <fct> , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , …
## $ Wilderness_area <fct> , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , …
## $ Taxon_number <int> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …
## $ Taxon_name_entered <fct> "Apis mellifera", "Peponapis p…
## $ Indication <fct> "Hymenoptera: Apidae sensu lat…
## $ Parsed_name <fct> "Apis mellifera", "Peponapis p…
## $ Taxon <fct> Apis mellifera, Peponapis prui…
## $ COL_ID <int> 6845885, 6927991, 13025322, 69…
## $ Name_status <fct> accepted name, accepted name, …
## $ Rank <fct> Species, Species, Family, Spec…
## $ Kingdom <fct> Animalia, Animalia, Animalia, …
## $ Phylum <fct> Arthropoda, Arthropoda, Arthro…
## $ Class <fct> Insecta, Insecta, Insecta, Ins…
## $ Order <fct> Hymenoptera, Hymenoptera, Hyme…
## $ Family <fct> Apidae, Apidae, Halictidae, Ap…
## $ Genus <fct> Apis, Peponapis, , Melissodes,…
## $ Species <fct> mellifera, pruinosa, , bimacul…
## $ Best_guess_binomial <fct> Apis mellifera, Peponapis prui…
## $ Higher_taxon <fct> Hymenoptera, Hymenoptera, Hyme…
## $ Measurement <dbl> 0.00, 0.75, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, …
## $ Effort_corrected_measurement <dbl> 0.00, 0.75, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, …
This paper describes the PREDICTS database structure
and content. Briefly, the database consists of a number of different
sources (journal articles), Source_ID
in the database,
within which there can be multiple studies (Study_name
). Within each study, there are multiple sites
and Site_number
) within blocks
). For ease, we use the combined, shorthand values
for these: SS
), SSB
) and SSBS
Now let’s explore the data a little.
table(diversity$Predominant_land_use, diversity$Use_intensity)
## Minimal use Light use Intense use
## Primary vegetation 163180 73282 22783
## Young secondary vegetation 48407 9427 3673
## Intermediate secondary vegetation 51349 12948 1041
## Mature secondary vegetation 39909 5936 396
## Secondary vegetation (indeterminate age) 32584 10349 373
## Plantation forest 9168 17946 9429
## Pasture 38321 94681 2612
## Cropland 13184 37335 18751
## Urban 7431 5547 1772
## Cannot decide 0 0 0
## Cannot decide
## Primary vegetation 12828
## Young secondary vegetation 7467
## Intermediate secondary vegetation 5135
## Mature secondary vegetation 2814
## Secondary vegetation (indeterminate age) 5407
## Plantation forest 2985
## Pasture 29274
## Cropland 24188
## Urban 332
## Cannot decide 3438
There’s lots of data for the Americas across all land-use and intensity classes. Since we’re using a simplified model for illustration purposes, we’re not going to look at all the use intensities here. However, we will keep minimally-used primary vegetation separate, as this is the closest we have to a pristine baseline.
So let’s collapse down the data. Note that we’re doing this purely to make the example simpler. In reality, we include multiple land use and intensity combinations, including the age class of secondary vegetation when possible.
diversity <- diversity |>
# make a level of Primary minimal. Everything else gets the coarse land use
LandUse = ifelse(Predominant_land_use == "Primary vegetation" & Use_intensity == "Minimal use",
"Primary minimal",
# collapse the secondary vegetation classes together
LandUse = ifelse(grepl("secondary", tolower(LandUse)),
"Secondary vegetation",
# change cannot decide into NA
LandUse = ifelse(Predominant_land_use == "Cannot decide",
# relevel the factor so that Primary minimal is the first level (so that it is the intercept term in models)
LandUse = factor(LandUse),
LandUse = relevel(LandUse, ref = "Primary minimal")
The Biodiversity Intactness Index is derived from combining two models: one of total abundance, and one of compositional similarity. We’re going to calculate these diversity metrics now.
Total abundance is simply the sum of all individuals sampled at each site.
abundance_data <- diversity |>
# pull out just the abundance measures
dplyr::filter(Diversity_metric_type == "Abundance") |>
# group by SSBS (each unique value corresponds to a unique site)
dplyr::group_by(SSBS) |>
# now add up all the abundance measurements within each site
dplyr::mutate(TotalAbundance = sum(Effort_corrected_measurement)) |>
# ungroup
dplyr::ungroup() |>
# pull out unique sites
dplyr::distinct(SSBS, .keep_all = TRUE) |>
# now group by Study ID
dplyr::group_by(SS) |>
# pull out the maximum abundance for each study
dplyr::mutate(MaxAbundance = max(TotalAbundance)) |>
# ungroup
dplyr::ungroup() |>
# now rescale total abundance, so that within each study, abundance varies from 0 to 1.
dplyr::mutate(RescaledAbundance = TotalAbundance/MaxAbundance)
Note that here we are using the
. For some studies, the
sampling effort (but not the method) can vary slightly among sites. To
account for this, we assume that abundance increases linearly with
sampling effort (validated here) – i.e., the abundance measurement is divided
by the sampling effort so that it is transformed to abundance per unit
effort. This is ok for modelling total abundance, but we can’t account
for how the identity or number of species varies with
sampling effort in the same simple way. So in the next stage where
species identity matters, you’ll see that we’re using the
field (raw reported abundance), and will only
use studies where the sampling effort does not vary among sites.
Up until recently, we used the asymmetric Jaccard Index as
our measure of compositional similarity. Essentially, we wanted to know
what species are present in our baseline sites
(Primary minimal
), and then for our converted sites (all
other land uses), what proportion of individuals come from species that
are also found in the baseline site. We’re now using a more sensitive
measure of compositional similarity – balanced Bray-Curtis –
that considers changes in community structure, rather than just
Let’s take a look at a couple of examples to illustrate the differences between these two measures of compositional similarity.
Example 1:
Site | Species A | Species B | Species C | Species D |
Site 1: Primary minimal | 35 | 15 | 0 | 0 |
Site 2: Cropland | 15 | 35 | 0 | 0 |
Here we’ve got no new species and no changes in abundance, but the dominance structure has totally changed – Species A is the most dominant in Site 1, but Species B is most dominant in Site 2. The asymmetric Jaccard Index would say that these sites have a similarity of 1, because there are no novel species (100% of the individuals come from ‘originally-present species’). Our new measure, however, would say that there is a similarity of 0.6, because there has been a change in community structure.
Example 2:
Site | Species A | Species B | Species C | Species D |
Site 1: Primary minimal | 35 | 24 | 0 | 1 |
Site 2: Cropland | 10 | 0 | 45 | 5 |
In this example, we’ve got some new species in the Cropland site, a shift in dominance (Species A is the most dominant in Primary minimal, but not in Cropland), but the same overall abundance in both sites.
When we calculate the compositional similarity using our previous measure, we get a value of 0.25 (because 15 out of the 60 individuals in Site 2 were also present in Site 1), but with our new measure, we get a value of 0.18.
Now, for every study with a Primary minimal
site, we
want to calculate this compositional similarity measure against every
other site in the study. Note that this has to be done within
studies: it would be pointless to compare similarity between a site from
a study of birds with a site from a study of bees.
Let’s first set up the data we’re going to use for the compositional similarity models.
cd_data_input <- diversity |>
# drop any rows with unknown LandUse
dplyr::filter(! |>
# pull out only the abundance data
dplyr::filter(Diversity_metric_type == "Abundance") |>
# group by Study
dplyr::group_by(SS) |>
# calculate the number of unique sampling efforts within that study
dplyr::mutate(n_sample_effort = dplyr::n_distinct(Sampling_effort)) |>
# calculate the number of unique species sampled in that study
dplyr::mutate(n_species = dplyr::n_distinct(Taxon_name_entered)) |>
# check if there are any Primary minimal sites in the dataset
dplyr::mutate(n_primin_records = sum(LandUse == "Primary minimal")) |>
# ungroup
dplyr::ungroup() |>
# now keep only the studies with one unique sampling effort
dplyr::filter(n_sample_effort == 1) |>
# and keep only studies with more than one species
# as these studies clearly aren't looking at assemblage-level diversity
dplyr::filter(n_species > 1) |>
# and keep only studies with at least some Primary minimal data
dplyr::filter(n_primin_records > 0) |>
# drop empty factor levels
Now we’ll set up a function to calculate compositional similarity between a single pair of sites in a study (See the previous version of this walkthrough for the function for calculating the asymmetrical Jaccard’s similarity).
get_bray <- function(s1, s2, data){
sp_data <- data |>
# filter out the SSBS that matches the pair of sites we're interested in
dplyr::filter(SSBS %in% c(s1, s2)) |>
# pull out the site name, species name and abundance information
dplyr::select(SSBS, Taxon_name_entered, Measurement) |>
# pivot so that each column is a species and each row is a site
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = Taxon_name_entered, values_from = Measurement) |>
# set the rownames to the SSBS and then remove that column
# if one of the sites doesn't have any individuals in it
# i.e. the row sum is 0
if(sum(rowSums(sp_data) == 0, na.rm = TRUE) == 1){
# then the similarity between sites should be 0
bray <- 0
# if both sites have no individuals
}else if(sum(rowSums(sp_data) == 0, na.rm = TRUE) == 2){
# then class the similarity as NA
bray <- NA
# otherwise if both sites have individuals, calculate the balanced bray-curtis
# as similarity (1-bray)
bray <- 1 -
betapart::bray.part(sp_data) |>
purrr::pluck("bray.bal") |>
Now that we’ve got the function to gather the data for the compositional similarity models, let’s get the dataset. We’ll first get together a vector of all the study IDs that we need to perform the calculations for.
# get a vector of each study to loop over
studies <- cd_data_input |>
dplyr::distinct(SS) |>
Next, get all the site comparisons for each study. We’re using the
function here which will loop over each study in
turn and perform the custom function we’ve specified. Note that we’re
using map_dfr
because at the end, I’d like a dataframe
where each row gives the pair of sites that need comparing.
site_comparisons <- purrr::map_dfr(
.x = studies,
.f = function(x){
# filter out the given study
site_data <- dplyr::filter(cd_data_input, SS == x) |>
# pull out the SSBS and LandUse information
dplyr::select(SSBS, LandUse) |>
# simplify the data so we only have one row for each site
dplyr::distinct(SSBS, .keep_all = TRUE)
# pull out the sites that are Primary minimal (we only want to use comparisons with the baseline)
baseline_sites <- site_data |>
dplyr::filter(LandUse == "Primary minimal") |>
# pull out all the sites
site_list <- site_data |>
# get all site x site comparisons for this study
site_comparisons <- expand.grid(baseline_sites, site_list) |>
# rename the columns so they will be what the compositional similarity function expects for ease
dplyr::rename(s1 = Var1, s2 = Var2) |>
# remove the comparisons where the same site is being compared to itself
dplyr::filter(s1 != s2) |>
# make the values characters rather than factors
dplyr:: mutate(
s1 = as.character(s1),
s2 = as.character(s2),
# add the full name
contrast = paste(s1, "vs", s2, sep = "_"),
# add the study id
SS = as.character(x)
For each study and set of comparisons, we need to calculate the
compositional similarity. We’re going to set this up to run in parallel.
The following code uses the purrr::map
functions (made to
run in parallel using the {furrr}
package), but there are
other options, like for
loops or apply
future::plan("multisession", workers = parallel::detectCores()-1)
# We're using map2 (because there are two arguments we're passing through - s1 and s2)
# and the map2_dbl because the output we want is a vector of numbers (double rather than integer format)
# so this function is going to go through each s1 and s2 in turn
# and pass them into the get_bray function
bray <- furrr::future_map2_dbl(
.x = site_comparisons$s1,
.y = site_comparisons$s2,
~get_bray(s1 = .x, s2 = .y, data = cd_data_input),
.options = furrr::furrr_options(seed = TRUE)
# stop running things in parallel for now
Next we’ll pull out the additional data we need (which don’t require a loop), including the geographic distance between sites and the land uses.
# for the other required information, we don't need to run loops
latlongs <- cd_data_input |>
# for each site in the dataset
dplyr::group_by(SSBS) |>
# pull out the lat and long
Lat = unique(Latitude),
Long = unique(Longitude)
lus <- cd_data_input |>
# for each site in the dataset
dplyr::group_by(SSBS) |>
# pull out the land use
dplyr::summarise(lu = unique(LandUse))
Let’s put all the data together into a dataset we can use for modelling.
# now let's put all the data together
cd_data <- site_comparisons |>
# add in the bray-curtis data
# which is already in the same order as site_comparisons
dplyr::mutate(bray = bray) |>
# get the lat and long for s1
dplyr::left_join(latlongs, by = c("s1" = "SSBS")) |>
dplyr::rename(s1_lat = Lat, s1_long = Long) |>
# get the lat and long for s2
dplyr::left_join(latlongs, by = c("s2" = "SSBS")) |>
dplyr::rename(s2_lat = Lat, s2_long = Long) |>
# calculate the geographic distances between s1 and s2 sites
geog_dist = geosphere::distHaversine(
cbind(s1_long, s1_lat), cbind(s2_long, s2_lat)
) |>
# get the land use for s1
dplyr::left_join(lus, by = c("s1" = "SSBS")) |>
dplyr::rename(s1_lu = lu) |>
# get the land use for s2
dplyr::left_join(lus, by = c("s2" = "SSBS")) |>
dplyr::rename(s2_lu = lu) |>
# create an lu_contrast column (what we'll use for modelling)
dplyr::mutate(lu_contrast = paste(s1_lu, s2_lu, sep = "_vs_"))
In the PREDICTS database, most of the variation in diversity is going to be between Studies – each study looks at different species groups in different areas using different sampling methods. This has to be accounted for in the statistical analysis. We do this in a mixed effects framework: we treat studies and blocks as random effects.
Let’s start with a simple model of total abundance. Note that the
errors in models of ecological abundance are generally non-normal.
Usually, we would deal with that by modelling abundance with an error
structure, such as poisson or quasipoisson. However, in the PREDICTS
database, we take quite a broad view of what counts as an ‘abundance’
measurement – they are not all whole individuals so they aren’t whole
numbers (e.g., they might be expressed as average numbers per square
metre). The {lme4}
package doesn’t really like you using a
discrete error structure with continuous data. So instead, we must
transform the data. Generally, a log-transformation does well, but in
some cases, a square-root transformation helps to normalise the errors.
We’re not going to go through model checking with you here – this is
all just to give you an idea of how to model BII, not how to do
statistical analysis… Please check your residual plots etc before using
models to make inferences and spatial projections!
# run a simple model
ab_m <- lme4::lmer(
sqrt(RescaledAbundance) ~ LandUse + (1|SS) + (1|SSB),
data = abundance_data
## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula: sqrt(RescaledAbundance) ~ LandUse + (1 | SS) + (1 | SSB)
## Data: abundance_data
## REML criterion at convergence: -3249.4
## Scaled residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -3.7500 -0.5903 -0.0543 0.5417 4.4847
## Random effects:
## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
## SSB (Intercept) 0.006687 0.08178
## SS (Intercept) 0.024909 0.15783
## Residual 0.031871 0.17852
## Number of obs: 6849, groups: SSB, 725; SS, 215
## Fixed effects:
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 0.645680 0.013895 46.468
## LandUseCropland -0.022893 0.012609 -1.816
## LandUsePasture -0.017283 0.009784 -1.766
## LandUsePlantation forest -0.046771 0.013559 -3.449
## LandUsePrimary vegetation -0.021176 0.010030 -2.111
## LandUseSecondary vegetation 0.033711 0.009015 3.739
## LandUseUrban -0.071155 0.020363 -3.494
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
## (Intr) LndUsC LndUsP LndUPf LndUPv LndUSv
## LndUsCrplnd -0.257
## LandUsePstr -0.287 0.495
## LndUsPlnttf -0.266 0.222 0.291
## LndUsPrmryv -0.270 0.315 0.397 0.312
## LndUsScndrv -0.365 0.418 0.525 0.370 0.451
## LandUseUrbn -0.164 0.193 0.207 0.139 0.270 0.245
The model shows that all land uses except for secondary vegetation have lower total abundance than the baseline (minimally-used primary vegetation), some of them significantly so. We’ve just run a very simple model here, but you can add in additional human pressures (e.g., human population density).
Now let’s do a model of compositional similarity. For compositional similarity models, we include a measure of the geographic distance beween sites. This allows us to discount natural turnover in species with distance. You can also include environmental distance (we’ve done this previously based on Gower’s dissimilarity of climatic variables). You might also want to include additional pressure variables in the compositional similarity model, such as human population density and road density. We usually do this by including the pressure at site 2 (the non-baseline site) as well as the difference in pressure between site 1 and site 2.
The compositional similarity measure we use is bounded between 0 and 1 – this means the errors will probably not be normally distributed. Although log-transformation produced models with acceptable diagnostics, it doesn’t respect the boundedness of the compositional similarity measure. We’ve found that a logit transformation (with an adjustment to account for 0s and 1s) also gives acceptable diagnostics and is conceptually more appropriate as it does recognise the boundedness of the data.
# there is some data manipulation we want to do before modelling
cd_data <- dplyr::mutate(
# logit transform the compositional similarity
logitCS = car::logit(bray, adjust = 0.001, percents = FALSE),
# log10 transform the geographic distance between sites
log10geo = log10(geog_dist + 1),
# make primary minimal-primary minimal the baseline again
lu_contrast = factor(lu_contrast),
lu_contrast = relevel(lu_contrast, ref = "Primary minimal_vs_Primary minimal")
# Model compositional similarity as a function of the land-use contrast and the geographic distance between sites
cd_m <- lme4::lmer(
logitCS ~ lu_contrast + log10geo + (1|SS) + (1|s2),
data = cd_data
## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula: logitCS ~ lu_contrast + log10geo + (1 | SS) + (1 | s2)
## Data: cd_data
## REML criterion at convergence: 621232
## Scaled residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -5.0890 -0.3566 0.0099 0.3990 5.3374
## Random effects:
## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
## s2 (Intercept) 2.231 1.494
## SS (Intercept) 4.136 2.034
## Residual 6.675 2.584
## Number of obs: 129562, groups: s2, 3307; SS, 89
## Fixed effects:
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 1.02020 0.24105 4.232
## lu_contrastPrimary minimal_vs_Cropland -1.36226 0.16083 -8.470
## lu_contrastPrimary minimal_vs_Pasture -2.03204 0.10478 -19.393
## lu_contrastPrimary minimal_vs_Plantation forest -0.38108 0.16542 -2.304
## lu_contrastPrimary minimal_vs_Primary vegetation -0.24698 0.10510 -2.350
## lu_contrastPrimary minimal_vs_Secondary vegetation -0.09548 0.09937 -0.961
## lu_contrastPrimary minimal_vs_Urban -1.46945 0.18335 -8.014
## log10geo -0.22909 0.01122 -20.411
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
## (Intr) l_Pm__C l_Pm__P l_Pm_f l_Pm__Pv l_Pm__Sv l_Pm__U
## l_cntrPm__C -0.069
## l_cntrPm__P -0.108 0.147
## l_cntPm__Pf -0.114 0.089 0.164
## l_cntPm__Pv -0.116 0.184 0.294 0.233
## l_cntPm__Sv -0.154 0.219 0.326 0.228 0.289
## l_cntrPm__U -0.063 0.185 0.124 0.088 0.230 0.109
## log10geo -0.168 -0.016 -0.023 -0.008 -0.025 -0.021 -0.026
Note that you can’t trust the significance values of these
compositional similarity values. The same site goes into multiple
comparisons in the model (each Primary minimal site is compared to all
other sites in the study), which will inflate the p-values. We’ve added
in a random intercept for site 2 (s2
) to try to account for
this, but really if you want to look at significance values, you’ll need
to use permutation tests in order to see which effects are significant.
We’re not going to do that here because they can take a while.
Now we have one model (ab_m
) telling us how land-use
change influences the total abundance of species and one model
) that tells how similar the community structure is.
Multiplying these together gives us the BII: the intactness of nature in
the system. We do this by projecting abundance and compositional
similarity onto rasters of pressure data, and then multiplying the two
output maps together. You can use python to project predicts-style
models (See here for the code), but let’s do it using R so
you can see step-by-step exactly what’s happening.
First of all, let’s use the models to predict the abundance and
compositional similarity in each land-use class, ignoring the impact of
random effects (see help(predict.merMod)
for more details
on this).
# let's start with the abundance model
# set up a dataframe with all the levels you want to predict diversity for
# so all the land-use classes in your model must be in here
newdata_ab <- data.frame(LandUse = levels(abundance_data$LandUse)) |>
# now calculate the predicted diversity for each of these land-use levels
# setting re.form = NA means random effect variance is ignored
# then square the predictions (because we modelled the square root of abundance, so we have to back-transform it to get the real predicted values)
dplyr::mutate(ab_m_preds = predict(ab_m, dplyr::across(dplyr::everything()), re.form = NA) ^ 2)
# now the compositional similarity model
# set up a function to calculate the inverse logit of the adjusted logit function we used
# where f is the value to be back-transformed and a is the adjustment value used for the transformation
inv_logit <- function(f, a){
a <- (1-2*a)
# once again, set up the dataframe with all the levels you want to predict diversity for
# because we had an extra fixed effect in this model (log10geo), we also have to set a baseline level for this
# We're interested in the compositional similarity when we discount natural turnover, so we want to set this to a static value. We'll use 0 here, but we can also set it to the median geographic distance in the original data or any other meaningful level.
newdata_cd <- data.frame(
lu_contrast = levels(cd_data$lu_contrast),
log10geo = 0
) |>
cd_m_preds = predict(cd_m, dplyr::across(dplyr::everything()), re.form = NA) |>
inv_logit(a = 0.001)
It’s these predicted values (ab_m_preds
) that we’re going to use. We will multiply the
predicted abundance and compositional similarity in each land-use class
with the area of the cell in that land-use class. However, because we
have a mixed effects model, the absolute values are somewhat
meaningless. Instead, we care about the relative values – what
is the abundance or compositional similarity relative to what
we’d find if the whole landscape was still minimally-used primary
vegetation. So once we have the predictions, we divide by the reference
value (the predicted abundance or compositional similarity if the whole
cell was minimally-used primary vegetation).
You can use any land-use data you like, but many land-use maps don’t have classes that map easily onto the definitions used by PREDICTS. Notable exceptions are land-use maps developed for the Representative Concentration Pathways (LUH1) – because PREDICTS land-use classes were designed with these maps in mind – and the derived fine-resolution product developed by CSIRO.
We’re just going to simulate some rasters here for ease.
We’ve got seven land-use classes. Imagine we have seven rasters, one for each land-use class, and the cell value is the proportion of the cell assigned to that land-use class. We’ll generate some random numbers for each of the land uses – let’s make it mostly cropland, with a fair chunk of pasture and secondary vegetation, with just patches of natural land and urban areas.
# generate a dataframe with random numbers for the cell values for each land-use class
lus <- data.frame(
pri_min = rnorm(25, mean = 50, sd = 25),
pri = rnorm(25, mean = 100, sd = 25),
plant = rnorm(25, mean = 100, sd = 25),
sec = rnorm(25, mean = 300, sd = 25),
crop = rnorm(25, mean = 1000, sd = 25),
pas = rnorm(25, mean = 400, sd = 25),
urb = rnorm(25, mean = 50, sd = 25)
# let's artificially make the first cell dominated by urban land and the last cell dominated by minimally-used primary vegetation
lus$urb[1] <- 2000
lus$pri_min[25] <- 2000
lus <- lus |>
# calculate the row totals
dplyr::mutate(tot = rowSums(dplyr::across(dplyr::everything()))) |>
# now, for each land use, divide the value by the rowsum
# this will give us the proportion of each land use in each cell
dplyr::transmute_at(1:7, list(~ ./tot))
# double check that the proportions of each land use sum to 1 (accounting for rounding errors)
all(zapsmall(rowSums(lus)) == 1)
## [1] TRUE
Now turn each land use into its own 5 \(\times\) 5 raster.
# for each column of lus (i.e., each land use)
for(i in 1:ncol(lus)){
# take the column and turn it into a 5 x 5 matrix
ras <- matrix(lus[ , i], nrow = 5, ncol = 5) |>
# turn that into a raster
# come up with a name for the object to hold that raster
nm <- paste(names(lus)[i], "raster", sep = "_")
# and assign the raster to that name
assign(x = nm, value = ras)
For example, here’s the raster showing the amount of urban land in each cell:
terra::plot(urb_raster, col = viridis::viridis(20))
Calculate the output rasters for abundance (ab_raster
and compositional similarity (cd_raster
) by multiplying the
predictions for each land-use class by the amount of that land-use class
in the cell.
ab_raster <- (newdata_ab$ab_m_preds[newdata_ab$LandUse == 'Primary minimal'] * pri_min_raster +
newdata_ab$ab_m_preds[newdata_ab$LandUse == 'Primary vegetation'] * pri_raster +
newdata_ab$ab_m_preds[newdata_ab$LandUse == 'Plantation forest'] * plant_raster +
newdata_ab$ab_m_preds[newdata_ab$LandUse == 'Secondary vegetation'] * sec_raster +
newdata_ab$ab_m_preds[newdata_ab$LandUse == 'Cropland'] * crop_raster +
newdata_ab$ab_m_preds[newdata_ab$LandUse == 'Pasture'] * pas_raster +
newdata_ab$ab_m_preds[newdata_ab$LandUse == 'Urban'] * urb_raster) /
# divide by the reference value
newdata_ab$ab_m_preds[newdata_ab$LandUse == 'Primary minimal']
cd_raster <- (newdata_cd$cd_m_preds[newdata_cd$lu_contrast == 'Primary minimal_vs_Primary minimal'] * pri_min_raster +
newdata_cd$cd_m_preds[newdata_cd$lu_contrast == 'Primary minimal_vs_Primary vegetation'] * pri_raster +
newdata_cd$cd_m_preds[newdata_cd$lu_contrast == 'Primary minimal_vs_Plantation forest'] * plant_raster +
newdata_cd$cd_m_preds[newdata_cd$lu_contrast == 'Primary minimal_vs_Secondary vegetation'] * sec_raster +
newdata_cd$cd_m_preds[newdata_cd$lu_contrast == 'Primary minimal_vs_Cropland'] * crop_raster +
newdata_cd$cd_m_preds[newdata_cd$lu_contrast == 'Primary minimal_vs_Pasture'] * pas_raster +
newdata_cd$cd_m_preds[newdata_cd$lu_contrast == 'Primary minimal_vs_Urban'] * urb_raster) /
# divide by the reference value
newdata_cd$cd_m_preds[newdata_cd$lu_contrast == 'Primary minimal_vs_Primary minimal']
The final step is to multiply the abundance and compositional similarity rasters together. We’ll also multiply the values by 100 so that BII is expressed as a percentage rather than a proportion.
bii <- ab_raster * cd_raster
terra::plot(bii * 100, col = viridis::viridis(20))
Once you have your map of BII, you can calculate the average value across any spatial scale. The average BII across this map is 60.68.
And that is it. A quick walkthrough of how we use the PREDICTS database to model and project the Biodiversity Intactness Index.
Four approaches have been used to validate PREDICTS’ models and estimates of BII.
A key assumption of our method for calculating BII is that species in minimally-used primary vegetation are native species. This is not always true, but we can’t always identify which species are native or alien in the PREDICTS database. For island communities where we can distinguish native species from alien species, we are working to compare BII as calculated above (with an abundance model and compositional similarity model) with BII modeled as the abundance of native species only (with an abundance model of only native species)(See here for some of the results of this work).
There are some inherent assumptions in PREDICTS that we’ve mentioned previously both in this document and in our papers. Firstly, we assume that differences in biodiversity among matched sites with different land uses are caused by the land-use difference. This is a form of space-for-time substitution. In reality, it can take centuries for the full impact of a land-use change to be seen in the ecological community; in the models we’ve shown you above, we’ve assumed that the sites are at their ‘equilibrium’ level of biodiversity so the full impact of land-use change has already been felt. This won’t always be true. For secondary vegetation sites, we can at least try to account for this by including the broad ages of secondary vegetation. Ideally, we would use time-series data to model biodiversity changes in response to land-use change, but such surveys also have their own limitations that would likely limit our ability to produce global models underpinned by geographically and taxonomically representative data (see here for a discussion of different data types and their advantages and limitations). However, we’ve been working on a database and modelling framework to attempt to validate our assumptions.
Secondly, the models presented in this walkthrough assume that the biota at sites with minimally-used primary vegetation approximates their pristine biota, when in reality, truly intact land is rare. It is likely that many of the primary vegetations sites (even those that are minimally used) will have had species filtered out by past disturbances or will have experienced compositional changes due to disturbances in the surrounding areas. We can try to account for additional pressures affecting sites by including more variables in the models (e.g., human population density and distance to the nearest road or road density). However, we do not have true baseline sites with which we can make biodiversity comparisons, because we don’t have representative long-term data.
Hopefully it goes without saying, but the uncertainty in the BII map will depend on its inputs, both in terms of the statistical models and the geospatial data used for projections. The higher the uncertainty in these aspects, the higher the uncertainty in the BII projections. Although land-use mapping is continually advancing, there are still limitations. So using a global map and then drilling down into a single pixel is not really advisable. Instead, the maps are more likely to be reliable when looking over broader areas and larger time steps, rather than pixel by pixel and year by year.
Note that on the Natural History Museum’s Biodiversity Trends Explorer, we’ve used cross-validation to produce upper and lower uncertainty bounds on the projections. We have refit the models leaving one biome out in turn, and then projected BII from these models; the highest and lowest projections in the set provide some uncertainty bounds. It is important to note, however, that these bounds only include some of the many sources uncertainty (mainly stemming from geographic bias in the underlying dataset and uncertainty in model fitting), so more work still needs to be done to effectively calculate and communicate uncertainty in our projections.
BII is a measure of ecosystem intactness, but we do not expect it to be used in isolation. There are myriad biodiversity metrics and indices out there, and which one you use will depend on what is most important/interesting/relevant to you and your system. BII is just one metric, but can complement others, such as indicators based on extinction risk and population decline.
## R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23 ucrt)
## Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
## Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19045)
## Matrix products: default
## locale:
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## [5] LC_TIME=English_United Kingdom.utf8
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
## other attached packages:
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## [5] purrr_1.0.1 geosphere_1.5-18 terra_1.7-18 betapart_1.6
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## [13] tibble_3.1.8 tidyr_1.3.0 dplyr_1.1.0
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
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## [61] abind_1.4-5 parallel_4.2.1 fastmap_1.1.1 yaml_2.3.7
## [65] colorspace_2.1-0 cluster_2.1.3 minpack.lm_1.2-3 knitr_1.42
## [69] sass_0.4.6
Many thanks to the PREDICTS team, collaborators and data contributors. In particular, we are grateful to Andrés Baselga for help deciding on a sensible compositional similarity measure and to Luca Börger for his ongoing advice on statistical modelling. This work has been supported by the Natural History Museum, the Natural Environment Research Council (NE/M014533/1), the National Council of Science & Technology of Mexico (CONACyT) and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation.